Monday, November 4, 2013

Butterfly Tree of SeaGlass

Late in the day yesterday we took the Ferry ride from Grand Manan Island over across to White Head Island. The Ferry ride was short and I was able to stay in the RV and continue working on a piece Id started.

Work table in the RV

Butterfly Tree of Seaglass

Notice the little pieces of seaglass shards?

This dragonfly has landed ontop of a piece of seaglass and next to it is a rather unique piece of seaglass I found while venturing Souris Beach in Prince Edward Island. I've added a little fork and looking glass - one doesn't seem to go with the other but it looks to me like a plate, fork and spoon, inspired by coffee colours of fresh roasted coffee.

Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans.

Another perfecc day,
~00~ Grandma

1 comment:

Ginny Hartzler said...

SO beautiful and delicate!

My Sourdough English Muffins