Monday, December 21, 2015

Homemade Christmas Crackers

These little guys have been lending a hand all week

Today we are making Christmas Crackers

You will need

Scissors, tape, paper roll, wrapping paper, ribbon, candy, ruler, pensil, paper hat, and a had written joke.


you will need a piece of wrapping paper oh about 12" by 6"

folded the way I have here



then fold the paper in between the ruler fold of 2" and clip it as I have so when you wrap the paper around your roll it will come together nicely.


I don't have ribbon on mine yet but you get the just of it.


I used the left over roll from the wrapping paper and cut it into 4" lengths. Then I stuffed it with candy, the paper hat, a joke and some surprises.

I'll decorate the table when the kids come for dinner on Christmas Eve.


I'm going to say good-bye here as I've a bunch to get done between now and the Eve.

Wishing you the best of the Christmas Holidays,

Merry Christmas

xoxo, Cindy











Country Gal said...

All so very cute and a good idea . We used to buy them from the British store over here . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week and a Merry Christmas to you all !

Janus Evelyn Wilson said...

How adventurous of you. I'm sure your crackers are far better than the ones you buy. Merry Christmas you plucky elf.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Happy holidays to you and your family. The homemade Christmas crackers are a great idea. I'll have to try making them with the grandkids next year. said...

Thank you a lot for writing such a tutorial. Never did such Christmas Crackers before. I think I'll try next year!

My Sourdough English Muffins